Deval Patrick

Devices & Diagnostics

Medical devices a victim of the Massachusetts gift ban?

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said Monday at a gubernatorial debate hosted by the Mass. Biotechnology Council that the Commonwealth's so-called "gift ban" wasn't intended to include the medical device industry and vowed that he would re-tailor the law for drug companies. "As a practical matter," Patrick said, his administration found that the gift ban reaches beyond the drug industry and that he doesn't believe it was the law's original "intent" to do so.

Health IT

Healthcare CEOs in Massachusetts sound off on health IT

Around this time I usually write about something personal. However, this week is filled with special HIT events convened by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. Today, the Governor’s Healthcare IT Conference began with a panel of CEOs from Humedica, Patientkeeper, Vecna, eCW, Microsoft, Intersystems, Concordant, Biscom, Bessemer Ventures, Life Image, EMC, NaviNet, Navigator Ventures, Meditech, and […]